Trevolta page (crowd-sourcing)


Thanks all for your ongoing support! We’ve received many encouraging messages and comments from people around the states and are so touched by your warmth and kind words! We couldn’t complete this trip without your support. For those not in the loop: we are currently fundraising through the website Trevolta, a crowd-sourcing site for inspirational trips. Please consider donating–anything helps, even just $5 or rating us with 5 stars! Your help means so much to all of us 🙂

Here is the link to our Trevolta page:

20 Cities in 50 days in a wheelchair

Finally our video is out! We’ve been working on this video for three weeks. Days and nights working at Lamont Library usually until 3am in the morning. Frustrations when someone was using the computer that we’ve been working at. Anyways, the video is done!!! 🙂 please share this with your friends and family!

This summer, we will be taking a road trip from San Francisco to Boston in order to write a wheelchair-accessible travel guide to the United States.

Music credits to the Open Hand Project for royalty free music.
Thanks to our friends and family for their support in the making of this video.